Special Product Sections


Submission Specs

Please send us the following:

Photo Submission Specs

Photos may be sent via CD, FTP, or e-mail.

Photography needs to be a minimum of 5" x 7" wide at 300 dpi. 72 dpi files are accepted only if the image can be reduced to 33% and still be 5" x 7" wide. Tiff files are preferred; jpegs are accepted.

Please compress with WinZip or Stuffit.

Text Submission Specs

Please send a 50-word description of your

product. The College Store reserves the right

to edit submissions longer than 50 words.

Text may be sent via CD, FTP, or e-mail.

Microsoft Word documents or text submitted

in the body of an e-mail are fine.


Birnn Chocolates of Vermont

Birnn Chocolates of Vermont introduces

polka-dotted, twist-wrapped caramel

and raspberry truffles for the college

market. As a back-to-school special,

receive a free metal counter-top

display ($60 value) with a case order.

For more information, see postcard

insert in magazine, call (800) 338-3141,

or fax (802) 860-1256.

Learn more

Do not send the following:

Created advertisements where pictures are placed with styled text.

We will not use logos or other miscellaneous photos with the product photo.

NACS Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations of signed contracts will result in a $1,000 penalty fee and a recalculation of advertising rates if the contract was for multiple issues. Advertisers with multi-issue mid-contract cancellations will be charged for ads placed at the full rate and not the discount multi-issue rate. The full contract amount will also be billed if a signed contract is received, but the advertiser fails to submit artwork by the issue deadline.

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